I have a small car... or not!

I'd never really learnt a foreign language.
"I would like a kilo of apples, and a strawberry ice-cream" in French, and "I am 12 years old" in German.  Literally those were pretty much the only 'foreign language' phrases I could remember, so I was excited to be learning Arabic.

'I have a little Arabic'  - this was one of the first phrases I learnt before class started.
Trying to cobble together some words I had picked up, I went around saying this to anyone who attempted to talk to me, or who I was trying to communicate with.

It was slightly unfortunate that what I was actually saying was "I have a small car".

One day I was surprised to hear my Muslim friend say something to her daughter about getting the "pastor on the wall".  Not pastor, but actually a glass bottle - the two words being very close sounding.

'Cat' and 'church' were more close sounding words to my inexperienced ears.  I told the teenage boys I was working with that we were going to 'the cat' instead of the church.

Many times I would end up laughing out loud at myself as I bumbled through the days.
I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to learn Arabic and the gracious, friendly, and often highly amused, friends who helped me learn.

There are many cars in this photo... none of them are mine.. including the small ones!


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