Mahmoud is healed

Mahmoud lives with his two unmarried sisters, his nephew and his nephew’s family.
An old man, he sits outside his house dressed in a white Jallabiya, watching the world pass by.
His chair has a battered metal frame, and is strung with thin plastic rope.  Comfortable and cool it is also getting old and the strings are starting to stretch and snap.  There is a man who goes around knocking on doors offering to restring beds and chairs, but he is too expensive.  In any case, the chair still has some life in it, strings can be tied back together, and Mahmoud is happy with it.

On the way to the market my husband, as always, stops to chat with him.  
Mahmoud is ill with a nasty cough and cold.  Flu like symptoms.  
He allows my husband to pray for his healing in the name of Jesus.  

The following day my husband sees him again.

‘I am better,’ Mahmoud announces happily, ‘It is because you prayed for me in Jesus name.’
My husband is amazed, and thinks this is at the least the start of a good discussion.
‘Yes,’ says Mahmoud, 'You have one prophet and we have many'. 
And as far as he is concerned, that is the end of that!


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