Not what he planned.

Whilst the ladies met, 14 year old Adam lined up his two younger brothers and my son Chops (then 6 and having a day off homeschool) on the sofa.

Standing in front of his audience, he opened the book and began to talk about the importance of doing what God asks us to do. After 15 minutes of obliging their brother, the younger boys declared they'd had enough, and, with their elder brother blocking the door - his sermon not finished - they leapt out the window, followed swiftly by Chops.

Skipping school for the day, Adam had shown up at our house hoping to share with some women who were gathered there.  He was most upset that the women had rejected his request to teach them. His brothers and Chops were an unsatisfactory substitute. Running in circles he chased his escaped congregation around the outside of the house.

Adam lives in a country that is almost 100% Muslim.  His mother is doing her best to raise him and his brothers as Christians.  Her husband divorced her because of her faith, and she does whatever it takes to provide for her children - a hard task in the absence of the support that usually comes from extended family.  Adam is an intelligent young man, who, even knowing the hardships and the persecution that will follow as he lives as a Christian, is determined to persevere.


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