The car that stopped and the car that didn't.

Sometimes we (the single women living together in the 'girls house') borrowed a friend's car.  It was older and occasionally had problems starting, but once it got going worked well.

One morning we were on our way to school.  Just after we got onto the main road the car suddenly stopped.  I couldn't re-start it. We prayed for it.  We tried everything we could think of.  I assumed it had run out of gas.  The fuel gauge was a bit tempermental so it was kind of a guessing game as to how full the tank might be.  The thought of figuring out how to get diesel from a gas station and get it in the car was not appealing.  I put the key in one last time....and this time the car started immediately.  We had been stopped about 10 minutes.

Less than five minutes down the road the traffic was at a standstill, there had been a serious car accident.  As we drove past we realised it had just happened. Our delay had meant we missed it.

Nothing is a surprise to God.  I was thankful.

Some months later I was driving on the same stretch of road.
This time in a different car - essentially a tin can with wheels.  All there was between my feet and the outside world was a thinnish piece of metal that would dent if I was to kick it hard enough.

Suddenly I felt the steering wheel move forcefully under my hands  - my hands slipping over the top of it - at the same time I saw in the corner of my eye another car hurtling out of a side road. There was no way it would stop in time.  But my car was swerving by itself - before I had time to think or brake, I was past the side street and the steering wheel was back to normal again.

Nothing is a surprise to God.  I was thankful.


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