
My neighbour 'Elisabeth' very carefully spaced her children. They were all at least 4 years apart. She had 4 children and the youngest was still a preschooler so he would come over to our house and play with my eldest daughter who was a few years younger than him. He went to a pre-school fairly close by and when he graduated from pre-school there was a big ceremony and then party. Her eldest daughter enjoyed coming over to practice English. Elisabeth (fairly sensibly) didn't think it was a good idea to space children too close together! When we first met I had just one child - I suspect she watched with slight horror as over the next few years, two more arrived! I often went to visit Elisabeth. She was literally in the house next door. Our gates were next to each other. My sitting room wall was her kitchen wall. She thought it was very strange that I tried to get my kids to bed at around 7. Kids, like everyone else, were suppo...